Toni Bewley

Toni Bewley

Chair, service user and carer group
Edge Hill University

Ms Bewley is an adult and children’s nurse with more than 20 years’ clinical experience. She has worked in paediatric specialist hospitals across a number of settings including complex care, intensive care, risk management and back care management.

She has been teaching across health and social care settings in higher education institutes since 2000, and is passionate about including the voice of the patient in all health and social care-related educational programmes. Her focus on the inclusion of patients and carers in all aspects of health and social care education stems from her personal experience of being a carer for her daughter and mother, both of whom had complex needs.

Since 2015, Ms Bewley has been the chair of the Service User and Carer Group in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine at Edge Hill University. She has researched many aspects of patient and carer involvement in nursing student education nationally and internationally, and her doctoral thesis explored the involvement of patients and care givers in nursing student education in India.

Toni Bewley will be chairing the following sessions on Wednesday 23 October:

  • The power of patient and family involvement to transform student education and children’s nursing

  • Pain management

  • Innovation in healthcare for very young complex cardiac children: the Little Hearts at Home platform

See the full Nursing Live 2024 agenda