Sue Haines

Sue Haines

Assistant director of nursing (education and development)
Institute of Care Excellence at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Sue Haines is assistant director of nursing (education and development), Institute of Care Excellence at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, and is honorary professor, University of Nottingham, School of Health Sciences and visiting lecturer Nottingham Trent University. Her clinical background was in acute and critical care, before she moved into professional and clinical leadership development. She has specific experience and interest in supporting and coaching nurses in career development and inclusive talent management through doctoral research. Post-doctoral research interests include nursing workforce retention, developing nursing careers, late career retention, legacy mentors, student experience, preceptorship and shared governance.

Sue Haines is speaking at the following session on Thursday 24 October:

  • The role of Legacy Mentors to boost retention and support the workforce at both ends of their career

See the full Nursing Live 2024 agenda