Inderjit Singh

Professor Inderjit Singh

Chief pharmacist (director) 
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Inderjit Singh initially joined University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust in 2001. In 2007 Professor Singh moved to a collaborative procurement hub as the strategic pharmacy lead. He re-joined the trust in 2010 as associate director for commercial pharmacy services, with responsibility for the development of a commercial pharmacy portfolio, which included developing innovative service delivery partnerships. Early in 2013, Professor Singh was appointed to the post of chief pharmacist at the trust. He is also the managing director of Pharmacy@QEHB Ltd, and was instrumental in establishing the company in July 2011.

Professor Inderjit Singh is speaking at the following session on Thursday 24 October:

  • Alfa: A significant technological advancement digitally revolutionising the management of controlled drugs

See the full Nursing Live 2024 agenda