Liam Williams

Liam Williams

Executive director of quality and nursing
Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Liam Williams has a broad range of experience in the NHS and leads on quality, integrated care and providing professional leadership for nurses for the Welsh Ambulance Service. He has worked in a variety of healthcare settings with a keen interest in clinically led digital innovation. Mr Williams has been an executive-level nurse for 13 years in commissioning and provider organisations. He is a committee member of the RCN Nurses in Management and Leadership Committee and runs a carnival in his spare time. 

Liam Williams is speaking at the following sessions on Thursday 24 October:

  • Digital competency: what is it? Why is it important? How can I achieve it

  • Colleagues in conversation – Championing digital transformation of nursing: everyone’s business

  • Moving into a management position: developing your leadership skills

See the full Nursing Live 2024 agenda