Kendal Andreason

Kendal Andreason

Professional lead for acute and emergency care and defence nursing
Royal College of Nursing

Kendal Andreason, a registered nurse, is professional lead for acute and emergency care and defence nursing at the Royal College of Nursing. As well as all things urgent and emergency care, her interests include global health, wilderness medicine, human factors, and leadership and team building.

Ms Andreason joined the RCN after an eclectic 14-year career in the British Army where she served as an officer in the Royal Engineers and the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps. During this time, she led teams at home and around the world. Deployments included training and mentoring the first group of women to join the Afghan National Army Officer Academy in Kabul, Afghanistan, working with the Nigerian Army to improve their ability to counter Boko Haram, and improving interoperability with various partner nations in Malaysia. At home, highlights included planning the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, working clinically and delivering vaccination programmes across the UK during the pandemic, and working with the Ministry of Defence on the war in Ukraine.

Alongside her role at the RCN, she works as a faculty member for World Extreme Medicine teaching on wilderness medicine courses. She is also an Army reservist working as a human security and gender adviser. In this role, she ensures that defence and its partners and allies consider factors such as protection of civilians and cultural property, preventing conflict-related sexual violence, and health and food security in their military planning.

Ms Andreason has undergraduate degrees in politics and adult nursing, and a master’s in global health.

Kendal Andreason is speaking at the following session on Wednesday 23 October:

  • Colleagues in conversation – Developing synergy between health and social care

See the full Nursing Live 2024 agenda