Alison Dinning

Alison Dinning

Year 3 professional lead and senior lecturer (adult nursing)
University of the West of England

Ms Dinning qualified as an adult registered nurse in 1987, and has worked in a number of clinical roles in intensive care, renal medicine and critical care outreach throughout her career.

In 2010 she moved to the Institute of Care Excellence at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, where she worked in various education roles culminating in the clinical lead for education, professional development and workforce. She continued to work clinically as a critical care outreach team nurse, both roles enabling her to maintain her passion for education and developing confidence, knowledge and clinical skills in newly qualified nurses and multiprofessional learners. She advocates for safe person-centered patient care. She is also keen to support international colleagues who join the NHS community.

Ms Dinning has had several national roles, was chair and member of the National Outreach Forum Executive Board, and she is proud to be chair of the RCNi Editorial Advisory Board.

She recently moved home to the West Country to be closer to family, and is now a senior lecturer for adult nursing at the University of the West of England.